Continental Scale
Our interest in Ontario’s old-growth forests and pristine landscapes has resulted in projects that deal with three different forest types that inhabit broad areas of the eastern North American continent – old-growth eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), old-growth red pine (Pinus resinosa) and old-growth eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). All three of these tree species are found in both Canada and the United States. In addition to old-growth forest ecology and management, we have also addressed the impacts of logging, the design of effective reserves and wildlife corridors, and roadless areas assessment, all of which are of interest globally. As evidence of that, AFER’s work has been cited by researchers from at least 20 different countries. As with our work at other scales, we strive to provide science that informs the most pressing issues facing the maintenance and restoration of primary forests today, and that can be used to effect the changes required to meet these challenges. More so than our other reports, the results from these reports address methods and concepts that can be applied to any forest ecosystem type.
Publications by AFER and Peter Quinby have been cited in at least 63 refereed journals, 31 books, and 54 natural resource management institutions and universities by scientists from at least 20 different countries.
Research Reports​
Status Update for Endangered Old-Growth Eastern White Pine and Red Pine Forests (RR#37, 2018)
Riparian Ecology and Restoration in Eastern Canada: A Literature Review (RR#34, 2015)
Bibliography of Popular Literature Influenced by the Tall Pines Project, the Ancient Forest Project, and Ancient Forest Exploration & Research (RR#22, 1999)
Sustainability and the Value of Ancient Forested Landscapes (RR#05, 1994)
A 10,000-Year Vegetation History of the Temagami Region of Ontario with Special Emphasis on Eastern White Pine (RR#04, 1994)
A Survey of Old-Growth Eastern White Pine Forest in Canada and the United States (RR#02, 1993)